This function mirrors 3D points in the BANC (Buhmann et al. Adult Neural Connectome) coordinate system by transforming to JRC2018F, mirroring, and transforming back.
- x
An object containing 3D points (must be compatible with nat::xyzmatrix).
- banc.units
Character string specifying the banc.units of the input points. Must be one of "nm" (nanometers), "um", or "raw" (BANC raw banc.units). Default is "nm".
- subset
Optional. A logical vector or expression to subset the input object.
- inverse
Logical. Not used in this function, kept for compatibility with banc_to_JRC2018F.
- transform_files
Optional. A vector of two file paths for custom transform files. If NULL, uses default files.
- method
Character string specifying the transformation method. Must be either "elastix" or "tpsreg". Default is "elastix".
- ...
Additional arguments passed to
This function performs mirroring of BANC points by first transforming them to the JRC2018F coordinate system, applying the mirroring operation, and then transforming them back to BANC. It can use either Elastix transforms or thin-plate spline registration for the coordinate system transformations.
See also
for the underlying transformation function.
for the mirroring operation in JRC2018F space.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example using saved tpsreg <- banc_mirror(, method = "tpsreg")
plot3d(, alpha = 0.5, col = "lightgrey")
plot3d(, alpha = 0.5, col = "green")
# Example using custom Elastix transforms
rootid <- "720575941626035769"
neuron.mesh <- banc_read_neuron_meshes(rootid)
# Show neuron in BANC neuropil
plot3d(neuron.mesh, col = "red")
plot3d(, alpha = 0.1, col = "lightgrey")
# Show only the portion in the brain
neuron.mesh.brain <- banc_decapitate(neuron.mesh, invert = TRUE)
# Mirror in BANC space
neuron.mesh.mirror <- banc_mirror(neuron.mesh.brain,
transform_files = c("brain_240721/BANC_to_template.txt",
plot3d(neuron.mesh.mirror, col = "cyan")
} # }