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Fetch change log information for one or more neurons


banc_change_log(x, tz = "UTC", filtered = TRUE, OmitFailures = TRUE, ...)



One or more banc ids in any format understandable by ngl_segments


Time zone for edit timestamps. Defaults to "UTC" i.e. Universal Time, Coordinated. Set to "" for your current timezone. See as.POSIXct for more details.


Whether to filter out edits unlikely to relate to the current state of the neuron (default TRUE, see details).


Whether to omit neurons for which there is an API timeout or error. The default value (TRUE) will skip over errors, while NA) will result in a hard stop on error. See nlapply for more details.


Additional arguments passed to flywire_fetch


a data.frame See fabseg::flywire_change_log for details


As of August 2021 this is a simple wrapper of fafbseg::flywire_change_log. For now the old (and less convenient format) available from the zetta API can be obtained with the private bancr:::banc_change_log_zetta function.


# \donttest{
#>    operation_id           timestamp user_id
#> 0         10515 2023-11-28 22:20:43    2660
#> 1        127798 2023-12-20 06:15:55    2767
#> 2        144911 2023-12-26 00:28:30    4162
#> 3        147922 2023-12-26 06:04:13    2758
#> 4        147926 2023-12-26 06:05:40    2758
#> 5        147945 2023-12-26 06:06:56    2758
#> 6        147980 2023-12-26 06:17:43    2758
#> 7        147981 2023-12-26 06:17:44    2758
#> 8        147982 2023-12-26 06:17:47    2758
#> 9        147983 2023-12-26 06:17:47    2758
#> 10       147984 2023-12-26 06:17:50    2758
#> 11       147985 2023-12-26 06:17:51    2758
#> 12       147987 2023-12-26 06:17:56    2758
#> 13       147989 2023-12-26 06:18:02    2758
#> 14       147990 2023-12-26 06:18:27    2758
#> 15       147993 2023-12-26 06:18:32    2758
#> 16       148000 2023-12-26 06:20:22    2758
#>                          before_root_ids     after_root_ids is_merge
#> 0                     720575941480769421 720575941556888079    FALSE
#> 1                     720575941556888079 720575941474194206    FALSE
#> 2                     720575941474194206 720575941435522834    FALSE
#> 3                     720575941435522834 720575941488179406    FALSE
#> 4                     720575941488179406 720575941539449692    FALSE
#> 5                     720575941539449692 720575941557292526    FALSE
#> 6  720575941551446830 720575941557292526 720575941503347109     TRUE
#> 7  720575940543311189 720575941489220228 720575941483891974     TRUE
#> 8  720575941483891974 720575941503347109 720575941477813667     TRUE
#> 9  720575941125943612 720575941555221066 720575941474604865     TRUE
#> 10 720575941039420897 720575941474604865 720575941447470414     TRUE
#> 11 720575941477813667 720575941558385512 720575941515845036     TRUE
#> 12 720575941447470414 720575941515845036 720575941547060285     TRUE
#> 13 720575941547060285 720575941569217576 720575941504051269     TRUE
#> 14 720575941454232760 720575941504051269 720575941636113781     TRUE
#> 15 720575941513505412 720575941636113781 720575941636114037     TRUE
#> 16 720575941352474137 720575941636114037 720575941477428704     TRUE
#>                   user_name                     user_affiliation
#> 0             Jasper Phelps                    Wei-Chung Lee lab
#> 1           Allien Mae Gogo Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 2  David Benjamin Conquilla Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 3           Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 4           Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 5           Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 6           Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 7           Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 8           Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 9           Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 10          Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 11          Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 12          Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 13          Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 14          Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 15          Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
#> 16          Jacquilyn Laude Mala Murthy Lab, Sebastian Seung Lab
# }